Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Puppy Activities at 5 1/2 weeks

The puppies go outside every day into our puppy yard where they climb on Mattel children's toys!  They go up and down puppy dog walks, the puppy teeter totter, they hide in an Igloo dog house, chase each other,  go down a baby slide, play with toys, chew sticks, climb steps, run down a ramp, and climb into our laps for cuddles and kisses! They hear loud noises ( tractors and heavy farming trucks) and respond to them.  Each day I see them becoming more adventurous and inquisitive and more confident.
They do come running when I give them the puppy call like a kissy sound. They dash towards me! It is so cute.

 When they are seven weeks old, they will have their micro-chips inserted and their BAER testing done. They will all be working dog tested at day 49 to see who is most predisposed to chase toys  or retrieve or to shake a toy or to have the perseverance to continue to get what they want. I find this a valuable tool in determining which dogs are most likely to want to work with their humans. Very important  quality in an obedience dog or agility dog or the conformation dog.

Their little muscles are getting stronger and by next week they ought to be able to climb up a step. This week they are still too young to do so. They try, but they can't quite do it. Steps must look like  a cliff face to them!

I am enjoying them immensely. Brook, their dam,  is finding them less adorable. She is getting pretty close to refusing to nurse them after they eat their puppy mix. They have canines and they hurt!

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